
Why Do People Get Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Revitalize your appearance and fight obesity with gastric sleeve surgery. Find out whether you are eligible for weight-loss surgery in this comprehensive post.

Combating obesity might sound challenging, especially when you experience problems losing weight. When lifestyle modifications, exercise regimens, and weight loss supplements do not work, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery becomes your beacon of hope.

Interested to learn why more individuals are undergoing this surgery in recent days? Let’s assess the reasons in the below-offered pointers.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery – A Beacon of Hope for Obese People

Gastric sleeve surgery can treat severe obesity in individuals who have tried and failed with other weight loss methods. The doctor may advise the surgery if you are obese with a BMI of over 40.

Some people also call it VSG or vertical gastric sleeve operation. It is a restrictive weight loss surgery where the surgeon eliminates 80% of the stomach. A narrow tube remains inside, connected to the intestines.

The surgeon removes a huge portion of the stomach that drives hunger, which results in a loss of appetite.

Here’s presenting the reasons why people consider this surgery better than any other bariatric procedure:

  1. The Safest Bariatric Surgery As of Now

This surgery is safer and less invasive than other bariatric surgical procedures like gastric banding and gastric balloon. The process is speedier as patients don’t need to undergo a long surgical process. It does not involve complex intestinal rerouting or bypass. So, patients may expect fewer risks and speedier healing.

  1. A Minimally Invasive Method That Offers Long-Lasting Results

Sleeve gastrectomy is a minimally invasive method, which is performed by inserting a thin tube with a camera via tiny incisions. So it does not need any large incision. Unlike gastric bypass, it does not require rerouting of the intestinal tract.

The process is much speedier and less painful with mitigated risks of complications. It is most appropriate for patients with high-risk medical complications. Although the long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery depend on lifestyle choices, gastric sleeve offers long-lasting results. So, consult the best weight loss doctor to discover the ins and outs of this surgical treatment.

  1. Promotes Weight Loss with Speediness

The process involves reducing the stomach’s size in order to limit food intake. That means even with an adequate amount of food, you can feel fuller. From reducing hunger hormones inside the stomach to preventing impulses causing you to regain weight, it does everything in between.

  1. Improves and Eliminates Certain Ailments

The prime purpose of this surgery is to reduce food consumption by reducing the size of the stomach by 80%. However, that’s not the ultimate goal of this surgery. Did you know it can also improve other health conditions besides combating obesity? Let’s learn them one by one from the following points:

  • Type 2 Diabetes

This surgery can treat type-2 diabetes in two ways. While it helps patients achieve a healthier BMI by limiting food intake, it decreases the calories the body absorbs. This can decrease a patient’s insulin resistance, thereby controlling blood sugar more. In addition, it can also maintain the levels of blood pressure.

  • Hyperlipidaemia or High Cholesterol

A customized laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be effective in aligning healthy cholesterol. Also, it protects your health in the long run. This bariatric method can reduce LDL at a faster pace.

  • Fatty Liver Disease (Non-alcoholic)

Fatty deposition in your body can lead to an enlarged liver, resulting in diabetes. What it does is increase the insulin resistance in your liver. With this type of bariatric surgery, you can lose weight, decreasing the fatty deposits in the liver.

  • Sleep Apnoea

Did you know sleeve gastrectomy removes the stomach’s part producing ghrelin? Note that ghrelin is the hunger hormone. The fatty tissue around the upper airway will be decreased. So, it eliminates the upper airway collapse occurring with sleep apnoea. Besides, sleeve gastrectomy can alleviate joint pain and obesity-related arthritis. Also, this type of bariatric surgery improves fertility and other pregnancy outcomes.

  1. Improved Emotional Health, Increased Confidence

People suffering from obesity may experience depression: blame it on social stigma or lost confidence. It becomes further frightening if the person fails to meet the weight loss goals despite implementing lifestyle modifications, medications, and exercises. For such a patient, sleeve gastrectomy surgery is the triumph over obesity and other complicated medical issues. It improves confidence and self-esteem too.

So, the above reasons indicate that this bariatric surgery has become a top-notch and fan-favorite treatment for permanent weight loss. Want to boost your confidence and bid farewell to complicated medical conditions due to obesity? It’s time you consult a bariatric clinic in Dubai.

About Author

Al Taie Center is a one-stop weight-loss clinic for people wishing to undergo bariatric surgery from the best weight loss doctor Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Under Dr. Abdulsalam Al Taie’s guidance, patients can ensure a minimum healing period and maximum effectiveness. The insightful blog elucidates the benefits of undergoing sleeve gastrectomy at this center.

Postoperative Care After Bariatric Surgery – What to Know?

Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is gaining steady popularity nowadays. Obesity is a chronic illness in children and adults. It has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. To counter obesity, most doctors are recommending people with obesity undergo bariatric surgery.

If diet and other forms of treatment haven’t yielded any positive outcomes, you may consider bariatric surgery. This operation leads to sustainable and long-term weight loss. However, one of the key highlights of this surgery is its ability to lower obesity-related comorbidities.

While the surgical procedure is essential in helping you achieve improved health, its success depends on postoperative care. Besides changing your diet, postoperative care includes several intricacies you must know.

Aftercare Treatment Following a Bariatric Surgery – Aspects to Know

Postoperative care after a weight loss operation refers to exceptional medical guidance and treatment offered to patients. Your weight loss surgeon will customize your aftercare treatment following a bariatric surgery. It is a critical phase of care that ensures safe and effective recovery.

You must always strictly adhere to the postoperative care recommended by your surgeon to transition to a healthier lifestyle. The proper aftercare treatment will allow you to recuperate swiftly. To assist you in the lifestyle changes, your surgeon will work closely with you.

Recovering in the Facility

In the aftermath of bariatric surgery, you will recover in the weight loss facility. Nowadays, most bariatric surgeries are performed laparoscopically. So, you don’t have to worry about sutures and stay in the center for prolonged durations.

In the early days and weeks after surgery, you will feel queasy and experience fatigue. However, these are typical symptoms that you shouldn’t worry about. If you are feeling any type of discomfort, you must consult with your weight loss surgeon promptly. Postsurgical pain is also common after a bariatric surgery.

Things You Should Know About Immediate Recovery

Right after the surgery, you will be monitored closely by the surgeon and the team. During this time, these professionals will minutely monitor your vital health parameters. Your surgeon will ask you to follow medical instructions strictly. The center will also guide you on how to manage pain and care for the incision site on your abdomen.

Exercises to Boost Recovery Following the Surgery

Nowadays, most surgeons recommend patients exercise following a bariatric surgery. The main objective of exercise is to promote blood circulation in the operated area. Walking short distances or changing your position in the bed can be beneficial to boost blood flow.

Proper blood flow boosts healing and eliminates any chances of clots being formed in your abdomen. Certain types of exercises can also improve your mobility after the surgery. Listed are some crucial aspects to know about exercising following the weight loss operation.

  • The first night after the surgery, try to stand with someone’s support. This may hurt but will become simpler with time. It will boost your strength and confidence following the surgery.
  • The day after weight loss surgery, your doctor will suggest you walk for short distances. Usually, you will be asked to walk thrice a day with active support.
  • The medical team at the center will teach you how to breathe to loosen the secretions. For instance, they will teach you how to inhale while expanding your belly.

These exercises can be effective in helping you overcome the complexities associated with bariatric surgery.

Following a Strict Diet is Compulsory After Bariatric Surgery

The diet suggestions after a bariatric surgery vary from one patient to another. Your surgeon will monitor your condition and vital health signs. They will suggest a nutritious and balanced diet based on these factors.  

Bariatric surgery transforms how your digestive system works. Moreover, this surgical procedure affects nutrient absorption in your endocrine system. Patients must undergo a gradual transition from liquids to solid food items over a specific duration of time. Here are the general dietary guidelines to follow after a weight loss operation.

  • In the initial stages, you have to stick to a liquid diet like broth, diluted juices, water, etc.
  • Your diet will progress to pureed food items in a matter of a few weeks after the surgery. During this duration, you may also consume high-protein foods.
  • After thorough check-ups and consultations, the surgeon will finally allow you to have standard and solid food items.

A bariatric surgery diet can help you recuperate from the operation effectively. To get the best results and boost your recovery, you must always communicate with your doctor.

The success of bariatric surgery relies greatly on dedicated postoperative care. Following the guidelines, the weight loss center will allow you to recover appropriately and experience sustained weight loss.

About Author

Dr Abdulsalam Al Taie, at the Al Taie Center, is one of the most renowned bariatric surgeons in the UAE. He was the first doctor to perform bariatric surgery in the Emirates in 2003. In this blog, he has highlighted the significance of aftercare treatment following a bariatric surgery. On a further note, he has also illustrated the types of exercises and diet patients must follow.

What Form of Exercise Is Ideal Following Bariatric Surgery?

Your bariatric procedure is just around the corner. You’re eager and slightly anxious; now is the time to prepare. Find out which exercises suit your Bariatric Surgery best.

Bariatric patients who want to lose weight, have healthy lives and maintain their ideal weight once they do so need regular exercise. It would be best if you collaborated with your bariatric surgeon and a fitness expert to create a plan that considers your particular requirements, including your preferences, level of physical fitness, and objectives for weight loss and a healthy, active lifestyle.

Why Is Post-Operative Exercise Important?

Many people who have had weight loss surgery mistakenly believe that maintaining a healthy weight is no longer necessary. Even though weight reduction surgery will alter your life, maintaining weight loss and a healthy lifestyle are still top priorities.

A healthy diet and exercise after surgery are essential for attaining and maintaining weight loss. A regular exercise program will protect your joints, tone your muscles, improve the health of your heart and lungs, boost your metabolism, and do so much more.

Light activity throughout your post-surgery recovery time will also hasten and facilitate recovery. Remember that you can still experience post-operative mobility issues, so you won’t be able to perform all types of workouts straight away. Start slowly, concentrate on establishing attainable goals, and gradually increase the intensity of your workout program at bariatric physiotherapy centers.

Walking Sport

So, where do you begin?

To build and tone your body, combining flexibility training with strength and cardio workouts is crucial. The recommended exercises to start with are listed below:


No of your level of fitness, yoga is straightforward to start and has many mental and physical health advantages. Beginning a yoga practice can be very beneficial for your weight loss journey, whether you have bariatric surgery or already had it.

Yoga is a terrific way to start exercising because there are many different styles. It’s mild enough for novices or those who have mobility problems. Yet, it promotes muscle tone, flexibility, and the formation of positive breathing patterns that can be useful when performing other exercises.

When Is It Too Soon?

Depending on how physically fit you were before surgery, this question. Although every journey will be unique, all post-surgical patients must walk, or at the absolute least march in place. Immediately following surgery to help lower the risk of blood clots.

Everything else is up to you and your comfort level. Don’t wait if you’re feeling fantastic. Get moving, stretching, and strengthening. If something feels uncomfortable, pay attention to your body and stop. Wait a few days after that before attempting again.


Dr. Abdulsalam Al Taie will collaborate with a multidisciplinary team at the Al Taie Center to develop the best course of action for you. They consist of specialized trained nurses who will be by your side throughout your journey to offer support and direction to guarantee that you reach your goals. Dr Abdulsalam Al Taie will meet with you and create a customized eating plan.

What Advantages Does Bariatric Surgery Offer?

You must have heard about bariatric surgery, but are you aware of the positives that it offers? Read thoroughly to learn about the significant health benefits!

Bariatric surgery is often considered to be a life-changing procedure for many, especially for those who are considering a transformative path toward the management of weight and overall improvement of health. The surgery offers a plethora of positive effects and life-altering impacts on individuals struggling to cope with obesity. Let’s explore the various benefits of surgery in detail!

What Is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a procedure of surgery that assists individuals with obesity to achieve sustainable and significant weight loss. Therefore it is also referred to by many as weight loss surgery.

This kind of surgery is specifically recommended for individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 35 and above or individuals suffering from obesity-related health conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes.

However, this is not a standalone weight loss solution but one that requires lifelong commitment towards dietary changes, ongoing follow-ups at least for 6 months as regular physical activity. Without this, one will not be able to achieve optimal outcomes and maintain a healthy body weight post-surgery.

How Bariatric Surgery Works?

As it is purely a surgical procedure, it follows certain mechanisms, which are described below in detail.

Restriction On Intake:

The surgery creates a physical restriction on the total amount of food that can be taken. In the case of a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, a portion of the stomach is removed through surgery. This leaves a smaller pouch that can hold only a restricted amount of food. This reduced stomach capacity leads to a feeling of fullness in individuals, even with smaller food portions.

What Are The Positives Of Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery comes with a plethora of positive outcomes for people with obesity. Although the main effect encompasses weight loss, surgery can also incur profound effects on various other aspects of the life of an individual. Some of the key positives of the surgery are explained below in detail.

Sustainable and Significant Weight Loss:

Bariatric surgery helps individuals with obesity to ensure substantial weight loss. This generally results in the reduction of excess body weight by a considerable percentage. Therefore not only improving physical appearance but also enhancing overall health and quality of life.

Improvement In Health Conditions Related to Obesity:

The surgery is known for leading to significant improvements in obesity-related health issues. The most common health concerns related to obesity are high blood pressure, diabetes, joint problems, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol. Bariatric surgery, by addressing obesity, positively impacts all these conditions, thereby reducing the requirement for medications and improving quality of life.

Improved Metabolic Health:

The surgery can also improve the parameters of metabolism, like insulin resistance, lipid profiles, and blood sugar levels. It may lead to better glycemic control for individuals with obesity issues and diabetes and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases significantly.

Enhanced Quality Of Life:

Bariatric surgery enhances the quality of life of people as they can experience reduced physical limitations, enhanced mobility, and increased energy levels. Thus they can now engage in activities that previously seemed challenging or impossible as a result of excess weight.

Psychological Benefits:

One can also incur positive effects on mental health through surgery. Psychological well-being is crucial for leading a quality life. By reducing excess body weight, individuals manage to experience improved self-esteem, self-confidence as well as body image for being successful in achieving weight loss goals. The surgery may also decrease bouts of anxiety and depression.

Long-Term Weight Management:

As the surgery requires the establishment of new eating habits and following a healthier lifestyle, it provides a foundation for the management of weight in the long run. By preventing weight gain, individuals can maintain their body weight and ensure a healthy BMI.

Enhanced Life Expectancy:

Research has found that bariatric surgery is associated with a reduced risk of premature death. This is because it addresses obesity and, along with it, all the issues that are associated with it.


In conclusion, it is essential to point out that the positive outcomes of bariatric surgery can vary from one individual to another. The success rate depends on factors such as pre-surgery health conditions, changes in ongoing lifestyle and adherence to the guidelines provided by the healthcare professional post-surgery.

About Author

Dr Abdulsalam Al Taie, who is a specialist bariatric surgeon at Al Taie Center, Dubai and Abu Dhabi has highlighted the positive aspects of bariatric surgery and how it is beneficial for you. The detailed blog emphasises the pros you can expect after going for a weight loss surgery that suits your body the best.

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