
Top Nonsurgical Weight Loss Procedures

Get a closer understanding of surgical-free weight loss procedures. Also, learn about a leading bariatric surgery specialist with years of experience pulling out patients from obesity.

Nonsurgical Weight Loss Procedures

Different types of bariatric surgeries are helping people to experience exceptional weight loss results. But there is a small problem. Many obese people fear needles and other surgical instruments. How will they overcome their fear and reduce their excessive weight?

Does undergoing different weight loss surgery the only way forward?

No!! The answer is obvious No!! There is always an alternative. One can seek nonsurgical weight loss procedures to race ahead in their weight loss journey. This article will help people learn in-depth about different nonsurgical weight loss procedures.

Different Nonsurgical Weight Loss Procedures

Medical science has made progress in modifying an individual’s shape with a pinch of magic. But also, it has found painless ways to detect and counter a problem. Different nonsurgical loss procedures are a testament that science is finding solutions to help people in a minimalist way.

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty(ESG)

Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty(ESG) effectively reduces unwanted body weight minimally. In this process, a doctor combines with an endoscopist to treat the root area of the abnormality. At first, the endoscopist sends an endoscope inside the patient’s body to generate real-life images.

The doctor analyses the situation and then places a series of sutures in the stomach region to reduce its size strategically. Next, the doctor ties the sutures and makes the stomach look like a sleeve structure. The unorthodox stomach shape will obstruct the easy flow of food from the typical passage.

The after-effect of this will be that the patient will experience a low appetite and consume less food. This strategy will directly lead the patient to reduce their weight. After completing the remaining process, the endoscopist takes the endoscope from the patient. The patient goes to the monitor room for further supervision.

Orbera (Fluid-Filled) Gastric Balloon

Orbera (Fluid-Filled) Gastric Balloon is a popular nonsurgical weight loss procedure. This procedure is suitable for patients whose BMI ranges from 30 to 40. People struggling to reduce their weight through diet and exercise can also undergo this procedure.

In this process, a doctor places a fluid-filled balloon inside a patient to reduce the regular intake of food consumption. With the help of an endoscope, the doctor first strategically places the deflated balloon. Then the doctor inflates the balloon with a blue-dye saline solution according to the patient’s requirements.

Later the doctor adjusts the balloon’s position and seals it after completing all the arrangements. The patient keeps the balloon for at least six months with a rigorous diet and healthy lifestyle. The doctor supervises the patient’s weight loss journey throughout this tenure.

Obalon (Gas-Filled) Balloon System

The Obalon balloon system is a nonsurgical procedure to initiate weight loss through a gas-filled balloon. In this process, the patient first swallows a deflated balloon capsule, only the size of a vitamin tablet.

Once the pills reach the stomach, the doctor inflates the balloon with nitrogen gas with a particular device. The balloons move freely after inflation and maintain their buoyancy and position. The doctor sets other advanced machinery to introspect the positioning of the freely moving balloons.

This procedure’s after-effect is that the patient’s stomach remains complete, and they consume less food. It aids them in their weight loss journey.

KEN Diet

Ketogenic Enteral Nutrition, or KEN diet, is a popular nonsurgical weight loss procedure. But it is challenging as the patient only consumes protein-based diets through a tube for ten days. The KEN diet is effective for people who are just above 25 BMI.

In this process, the doctor inserts a feeding tube through various openings in the patient’s body to the stomach. Next, the doctor feeds continuous protein liquid through the tube. The constant feeding process triggers ketosis. Ketosis is the state in a body where a person loses fats instead of glucose.

As a result, the patient loses interest in hunger and starts losing weight. Doctors recommend this cycle for ten days but are customisable according to the patient’s goals.

Stomach Injections for Weight Loss

Different weight loss injections, such as Semaglutide, Wegovy, Ozempic, and Liraglutide, are gaining popularity in the existing market. These injections have unique components to initiate weight loss and reduce appetite. But one should consult with a doctor before taking any further action.

Advantages of Nonsurgical Weight Loss Procedures

Nonsurgical weight loss procedures and bariatric surgery have different approaches but the same goal. But it is crucial to know the advantages that nonsurgical weight loss procedures bring with them:-

  • Good Recovery Time
  • Minimum Risks & Complications
  • Less Harmful Impact on the Body
  • Affordable
  • Fantastic Option for Low BMI Individuals

Experience Weight Loss with a Golden Touch

Dr Abdulsalam Al Taie, the top doctor of Al Taie Center has been helping patients to break free from obesity. People from all around the globe visit Dr Abdulsalam Al Taie’s clinic and guarantee themselves satisfactory results. One can contact Dr Abdulsalam Al Taie and his team for the best weight reduction plan.

What Advantages Does Bariatric Surgery Offer?

You must have heard about bariatric surgery, but are you aware of the positives that it offers? Read thoroughly to learn about the significant health benefits!

Bariatric surgery is often considered to be a life-changing procedure for many, especially for those who are considering a transformative path toward the management of weight and overall improvement of health. The surgery offers a plethora of positive effects and life-altering impacts on individuals struggling to cope with obesity. Let’s explore the various benefits of surgery in detail!

What Is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a procedure of surgery that assists individuals with obesity to achieve sustainable and significant weight loss. Therefore it is also referred to by many as weight loss surgery.

This kind of surgery is specifically recommended for individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 35 and above or individuals suffering from obesity-related health conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes.

However, this is not a standalone weight loss solution but one that requires lifelong commitment towards dietary changes, ongoing follow-ups at least for 6 months as regular physical activity. Without this, one will not be able to achieve optimal outcomes and maintain a healthy body weight post-surgery.

How Bariatric Surgery Works?

As it is purely a surgical procedure, it follows certain mechanisms, which are described below in detail.

Restriction On Intake:

The surgery creates a physical restriction on the total amount of food that can be taken. In the case of a gastric sleeve or gastric bypass, a portion of the stomach is removed through surgery. This leaves a smaller pouch that can hold only a restricted amount of food. This reduced stomach capacity leads to a feeling of fullness in individuals, even with smaller food portions.

What Are The Positives Of Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery comes with a plethora of positive outcomes for people with obesity. Although the main effect encompasses weight loss, surgery can also incur profound effects on various other aspects of the life of an individual. Some of the key positives of the surgery are explained below in detail.

Sustainable and Significant Weight Loss:

Bariatric surgery helps individuals with obesity to ensure substantial weight loss. This generally results in the reduction of excess body weight by a considerable percentage. Therefore not only improving physical appearance but also enhancing overall health and quality of life.

Improvement In Health Conditions Related to Obesity:

The surgery is known for leading to significant improvements in obesity-related health issues. The most common health concerns related to obesity are high blood pressure, diabetes, joint problems, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol. Bariatric surgery, by addressing obesity, positively impacts all these conditions, thereby reducing the requirement for medications and improving quality of life.

Improved Metabolic Health:

The surgery can also improve the parameters of metabolism, like insulin resistance, lipid profiles, and blood sugar levels. It may lead to better glycemic control for individuals with obesity issues and diabetes and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases significantly.

Enhanced Quality Of Life:

Bariatric surgery enhances the quality of life of people as they can experience reduced physical limitations, enhanced mobility, and increased energy levels. Thus they can now engage in activities that previously seemed challenging or impossible as a result of excess weight.

Psychological Benefits:

One can also incur positive effects on mental health through surgery. Psychological well-being is crucial for leading a quality life. By reducing excess body weight, individuals manage to experience improved self-esteem, self-confidence as well as body image for being successful in achieving weight loss goals. The surgery may also decrease bouts of anxiety and depression.

Long-Term Weight Management:

As the surgery requires the establishment of new eating habits and following a healthier lifestyle, it provides a foundation for the management of weight in the long run. By preventing weight gain, individuals can maintain their body weight and ensure a healthy BMI.

Enhanced Life Expectancy:

Research has found that bariatric surgery is associated with a reduced risk of premature death. This is because it addresses obesity and, along with it, all the issues that are associated with it.


In conclusion, it is essential to point out that the positive outcomes of bariatric surgery can vary from one individual to another. The success rate depends on factors such as pre-surgery health conditions, changes in ongoing lifestyle and adherence to the guidelines provided by the healthcare professional post-surgery.

About Author

Dr Abdulsalam Al Taie, who is a specialist bariatric surgeon at Al Taie Center, Dubai and Abu Dhabi has highlighted the positive aspects of bariatric surgery and how it is beneficial for you. The detailed blog emphasises the pros you can expect after going for a weight loss surgery that suits your body the best.

Why Should You Consider a Weight Loss Surgery?

You can consider getting weight loss surgery if your body mass index is 40 or higher. If it is, then it might be as extreme as obesity. Severe obesity leads to many health issues like high blood pressure, severe sleep apnoea, Type 2 diabetes, etc.

Bariatric surgery is not for everyone. You should undergo detailed screening to qualify for the surgery. After the screening, you can receive the surgery. There are multiple benefits of bariatric surgery. Let’s have a detailed look.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Obesity is among the most common causes of heart failure, peripheral heart disease, and coronary artery disease. By undergoing weight loss surgery, you can avoid hypertension, stroke, and myocardial infarction and reduce your risk of developing these health conditions.

Additionally, bariatric surgery is effective at lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which aids in the prevention of heart disease and enhances overall health.

Tackle Type-2 Diabetes

Obesity is thought to increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. You can get rid of this disease by losing weight through weight loss surgery, allowing you to stop taking insulin and other medications for more than three years after the surgery.

One study published in the American Journal of Medicine found that 82% of patients who had weight-loss surgery could reverse their Type 2 diabetes. This medical success has been highlighted.

Deal with Less Health Conditions

After surgery by the best bariatric surgeon, Type-2 diabetes and its symptoms disappear. It happens in the case of 85% of the patients. For many, Weight loss surgery can help them denounce their dependency on diabetes medicine. It occurs due to the metabolic changes in the duration of the surgery.

Obesity is linked to sleep apnea, a common condition that usually goes away. Obese individuals frequently suffer from sleep apnoea, which causes them to stop breathing several times while asleep.

In patients with sleep apnoea, the excess tissue in the neck often causes airway obstruction. Most patients with one or both of these conditions before surgery no longer had them 3-6 months after their procedure. Bariatric surgery also improves high blood pressure.

Bariatric surgery also has many advantages, including:

  • Improve symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Reduce cholesterol, delay joint degeneration and replacement, and
  • Treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Relief from Joint Pain

Excessive weight tends to cause joint pain because it puts too much pressure on the joints. Obesity can result in osteoarthritis, the most prevalent joint disorder brought on by joint wear and tear. Joint pain can also occur due to other inflammatory factors linked to being overweight.

Bariatric medical procedures can go quite far in diminishing the additional weight and lightening torment on the knees, hips, and lower legs. In turn, this makes it easier for you to move around.

Improves Hypertension

Many overweight people suffer from hypertension. Hypertension alone is responsible for more deaths than cardiovascular disease. Weight loss operations help people to eliminate hypertension effectively.

Improves Fertility

While an obese woman is not infertile, being overweight can influence ovulatory capabilities. Thus, making it hard for them to bear babies. If a woman has trouble getting pregnant, bariatric surgery can help improve her bodily functions and the likelihood of getting pregnant. It also helps alleviate depression and lowers the risk of miscarriage.

Obese people often experience depression due to negative body image and social stigma. Even younger people with a lot of weight gain have difficulty participating in activities they might otherwise enjoy, making them feel isolated from others and depressed.

These patients’ emotional well-being may improve if they lose this excess weight. Bariatric or weight loss surgery reduced depression by 32.7 percent at the time of surgery and 16.5 percent six to twelve months later.

Reduce Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

With a healthy weight, many people can avoid suffering from sleep apnoea. Many patients who receive the surgery experience remission of their sleep apnoea after just a year of surgery.

Faster Metabolism

You will find that you participate in more physical activity, such as swimming, biking, and walking, as you lose weight. That increases the body’s capacity to burn fat effectively. Insulin and cortisol, a stress hormone, are also reduced, which helps reduce fat storage in the body.

Better Lifestyle

Bariatric medical procedure patients report superior personal satisfaction after the surgery, including better versatility, diminished wretchedness and uneasiness, improvement in confidence, social collaborations, and sexual capability.

End Note

Surgery from the best bariatric surgeon is a great way to provide relief to overweight people. The surgery can change their lives for the better and also help them to experience life in a free manner. The surgery is a safe procedure that doctors with years of experience will perform. After coming out of the surgery, the people feel relieved and confident. Dr. Abdul Salam Al Taie is a highly experienced consultant in the UAE who specializes in complex cases of bariatric surgery. To know more you can contact us at [email protected]

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